
  • The infinite benefits that biodegradable plastic bags bring to people

    Everyone knows that the production of degradable plastic bags has made a great contribution to this society. They can completely degrade the plastic that needs to be decomposed for 100 years in just 2 years. This is not only social welfare, but also the whole Country’s luck Plastic bags hav...
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  • The history of packaging

    The history of packaging

    Modern packaging Modern packaging design is equivalent to the late 16th century to the 19th century. With the emergence of industrialization, a large number of commodity packaging has made some fast-developing countries begin to form an industry of machine-produced packaging products. In terms of...
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  • What are degradable packaging bags and fully degradable packaging bags?

    What are degradable packaging bags and fully degradable packaging bags?

    Degradable packaging bags mean that they can be degraded, but degradation can be divided into "degradable" and "fully degradable". Partial degradation refers to the addition of certain additives (such as starch, modified starch or other cellulose, photosensitizers, biode...
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  • The development trend of packaging bags

    The development trend of packaging bags

    1. According to the content requirements, the packaging bag must meet the needs in terms of functions, such as tightness, barrier properties, firmness, steaming, freezing, etc. New materials can play an important role in this regard. 2. Highlight the novelty and increase...
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