Now coffee has become one of the indispensable drinks in our daily life. However, either the whole coffee beans or ground coffee are vulnerable to external environment, further badly influencing the flavor, aroma, taste, quality of coffee. Hence, proper packaging and storage for coffee beans are extremely vital. The core of excellent coffee packaging is to furthest keep the freshness of coffee beans or ground coffee. So here exists some question worth consideration: How many factors should be noticed when choosing proper coffee packaging bags? The following paragraph will detailedly focus on several essential points of the selection of coffee bags.

The Importance of Aluminum Films
As we all know, to remain the freshness of coffee beans, coffee beans must stored in a relatively independent environment to prevent excessive interference by external environment factors. And aluminum films well solves this point. Layers of Aluminum foils create strong barrier against moisture, vapor, light and any other negative chemical elements. The functionality of aluminum foils well protect the flavor, taste, aroma of coffee.
The Imporatance of Degassing Valve
Usually coffee beans all must endure roasting procedure. When coffee beans are roasted, they will naturally absorb carbon dioxide and then release carbon dioxide gradually. But the tricky point is that this phenomenon even continues after coffee beans are all packed into bags. If coffee beans release too much carbon dioxide inside the coffee bags but not emit it successfully, that will greatly affect the quality of coffee beans. Furthermore, the design of valve works well with this situation. What is valve?
The Functions of Degassing Valve
The degassing valve is designed to preserve the freshness of coffee beans or ground coffee. It allows coffee beans and ground coffee to slowly emit carbon dioxide out of the packaging bags, without directly contacting with the air outside, in case of the occurrence of chemical reaction between them. That means the degassing valve is one of the essential elements for storing coffee bags. Without a degassing valve, the quality of coffee is hard to guarantee.
Dingli Custom Packaging Service
We help maximize the shelf life and stability of food. We are very innovative and use sensible packaging for your products. If you need a custom valve for your bag or purse, we're happy to help. We offer full customization on packaging. You can add a vent valve to almost every packaged product we offer. Take advantage of the flexibility of these bags and pouches. It has many advantages. This includes lower shipping costs and lower storage requirements for the business.
Welcome to this little coffee valve made to make our coffee taste good. This simple mechanism allows the release of accumulated gas from a sealed container, preventing oxygen from entering the bag. It ensures freshness and better quality. It increases the efficiency of the packaging process and provides a pleasant and positive experience.
Post time: Jun-06-2023