Ngaphandle kokugcina ukutya, iingxowa zesarha sezala ziyakwazi ukugcina i-cannabis. As we all know, cannabis are vulnerable to humidity and moisture, thus taking cannabis away from wet atmosphere is the key to maintain their freshness. Iingxowa ze-mylar ze-mylar ukhula zenza ukuba zenze kakuhle, ke imilo ye-mylar ye-mylar ye-mylar yezona zibalaseleyo zezona zigcinweni lwe-cannabis yakho. Ke i-Canrar I-Connarar I-Cannabis isebenza kakuhle ukugcina i-cannabis?
Many people would have this confusion all the time: How to store food for a long time? Kukho iindlela ezahlukeneyo abantu abayiyenze. Abanye basebenzisa izikhongozeli zokugcina, kwaye ezinye zisebenzisa iingxowa ezitywiniweyo ze-vacuum, ngelixa uninzi lwazo zisebenzisa iingxowa zam. Ukuba awuzange uve ngeengxowa zam, usenokuba wothukile kwezi zingxowa. There are many wonders existing in your mind: Why they use mylar bag for food saving so frequently? Kutheni usebenzisa iingxowa ze-mayalar kwindawo yokugcina ukutya? The reason why Mylar Bags are used in food storage so often is that they effectively create a good oxygen barrier which allows the oxygen to be removed and protects against light, moisture and air so as to storage large quantities of food for large amounts of time.
Kutheni iingxowa zam zihlala zibalulekile kwindawo yentengiso?
Mylar bags are perfectly intended for food storage, usually made from PET, which is attached to layers of aluminum foils, effectively extending the shelf life of the food products. The combination of both two materials enable Cookie Mylar Bags to possess qualities that make themselves great choices for long-term storage for varieties of food items. Ke akukho xhala ukuba izinto ngaphakathi kweengxowa zichaphazeleka kwindalo yangaphandle, ikhutshiwe ngokulula, yaphukile kwaye nokuba imanzi. What's more, Mylar Bags Edible Packaging are composed by a kind of excellent insulating material that can keep the elements outside from entering inside. Hence, this material is so impermeable that it prevents moisture, gas, and light from damaging the food inside. Undoubtedly, Mylar Bags Custom Printed are the best choice for you to pack your precious items.
Iingxowa zam zigcina ivumba
Uninzi lweemveliso ze-cannabis zinevumba elomeleleyo, nendlela yokutywina ivumba eliqinileyo kwiphakeji yindlela onzima ngayo umsebenzi waBaninzi kuthi! Ngelixa, iingxowa zam zenzelwe ukuba zibe nzima ngokupheleleyo. Iphunga le-Shumes Loul Bags ye-Cannarabis ye-cannabis yeka itywina le-airtight othintela inyawo elibi ukubaleka.

Iingxowa zam zigcina intsha
Iingxowa ze-SERR zenziwe kwifilimu enamatye, i-laimited kunye neendlela ze-aluminium foils. Ezi zidibaniso zimbini zenza ukuba iingxowa zinolwazelelelo kakhulu kukukhanya, ioksijini, kunye nokufuma. Ukuya kuthi ga kwinqanaba elithile, iingxowa zam zintle kakhulu ekugcineni iimveliso zokutsha ze-cannabis.
Inkonzo yokuzalisa efanelekileyo yokufakwa kwakho
Ipakeji ye-Dingli inikezelwe ekuboneleleni ngenkonzo yokuhlaziya egqibeleleyo kubathengi kwihlabathi liphela. At Dingli Pack, Mylar Bags Supplier in China, your specific requirements can be fully fulfilled in offering ranges of widths, lengths, heights of packaging and even featuring unique graphic patterns on either side of packaging. Uyilo olukhethekileyo njengogqatso olubonakalayo, ukugqiba kukaMatte, Hlogram, njl njl. Ukuphuculwa okusebenzayo, njengokuthi i-zipper, i-notch ye-Tear, i-Hang Inokongezwa ukuze isebenzise iphakheji yakho. Ukongeza, iingxowa zedijithali ziyimbonakalo entsha. Ukukholelwa ukuba iimveliso zakho ziya kuphawuleka kwimigca yemveliso kwiishelfu !!!
IXESHA LOKUQALA: APR-12 ukuya kwi-1223